Monday, June 22, 2020

Faction Inspiration: Expression

Let's look at one of the many factions interested in the Solomon Stations: Expression.

(Images below can be found on my pinterest board for the Expression faction)

This faction basically answers the question: what would artists do if they discovered ancient powerful tech that would allow them to bend reality in service of their artistic vision? How could they express themselves if freed from the constraints of the oh-so-tired "laws" of physics?

  • Massive environmental art (solar system as installation art?)
  • Body augmentation
  • Merging with the environment
  • Inscribing hyper-dimensional geometries on lower-order surfaces
  • Collecting and connecting objects, sacred and mundane
  • Translating via the body
  • Expanding and bending light (red shift, blue shift, black (w)hole)
Like the other factions exploring the Solomon Stations, Expression will have unique tech and code they've developed on the Stations.

What weird tech do you think that artists would create if they were empowered by an ancient alien intelligence?

Which artists do you think would benefit from a trip to a Station to help them expand their work?


  1. Kambui Olujimi
    He could complete his North Star project at the station.

    1. Awesome, I wasn't aware of his work and it's phenomenal!!

  2. Another incredible Afro-Futurist, Wangechi Mutu.
